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Primary Academy

Term 5 - Animal Safari

Week 6

Week beginning 20.5.24


What a busy last week Reception have had! The children loved sports day and all showed great enthusiasm and support for their friends in the races. Thank you to all of the parents that came to watch. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!


Here are some phonics videos for you to watch at home this weekend.

Please note these videos will expire after 3 weeks.


This week in maths, we have been consolidating our learning about number bonds to ten and partitioning numbers using part-part-whole models. The children are becoming very confident recalling the facts that they know and showing a very deep understanding about numbers to ten. We learnt about how to write number sentences using the symbols + and =.

Wider Curriculum

In Topic we talked about hot and cold climates. We looked at different pictures of animals and discussed whether they live in a hot or cold climate. We also did an experiment where we tested what foods minibeasts in our outside area like to eat!

We had an amazing day at Beale Park on Thursday. The children were KIND and BRILLIANT all day. We saw lots of animals, played in the park and bounced on the bouncy pillow. I am sure everyone was exhausted after!


Our new Makaton sign this week was ‘wash your hands’. See if you can use it at home this weekend.


We would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe half term! We hope the sun shines and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 3rd June.

Hazel Class have forest school the first day back.

Week 5

Week beginning 13.5.24


We have had another wonderful week in Reception. The children in nursery have had some special visitors this week- chicks! We enjoyed all holding them and talking about how they are growing and changing.


Here are some phonics videos for you to watch at home this weekend.

Please note these videos will expire after 3 weeks.


This week in maths, we have been deepening our understanding of shape. We explored how to make new shapes from other smaller shapes. We also created pictures using 2D shapes and used our knowledge of positional language to explain how to replicate it. We also explored 3d shapes and used what we know about shape faces to identify and name them.

Wider Curriculum

In Topic we looked explored camouflage. We understood how important camouflage is to both predators and prey animals and how chameleons change colour depending on their surroundings as well as their emotions. We created our own chameleon camouflage using bubble wrap printing.

In English we discussed key moments in the story and thought about how characters would feel and what they might do and say. We then used role play to act it out.

In PE we have continued to practise for sports day and participated in sack races!


Our new Makaton sign this week was ‘lunch’. See if you can use it at home this weekend.



We are looking forward to a very busy week next week. Sports day on Monday, Class photos on Wednesday and Beale Park on Thursday!

All children will need to come to school in PE kit on Monday ready for sports day. Please wear school uniform for the rest of the week.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Week 4

Week beginning 6.5.24

Reception have had a busy week, we have enjoyed exploring outside in the sunshine!


Here are some phonics videos for you to watch at home this weekend.

Please note these videos will expire after 3 weeks.


This week in maths, we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We looked at the properties of shapes and explored selecting shapes for a purpose. We moved the shapes by turning, rotating and flipping them to make them fit into a given space. We also used positional language to describe shape arrangements.

Wider Curriculum

In Topic we have been looking at the Amazon Rainforest and the Serengeti. We used a map to find the location and discussed different animals that live there.

In English we used role play to act out being Akeyo and Handa. As a class, we made a story map of ‘Handa’s Surprise’, to sequence the events in the story. We then retold the story using our map.

In PE we have continued to practise for sports day.


Our new Makaton sign this week was wash your hands’. See if you can use it at home this weekend.

Please remember to apply suncream to your child before coming to school and bring in a named hat for your child to wear outside. Children still need to bring a coat, even on sunny days as the wind can still be chilly.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Week 3

Week beginning 29.4.24



Reception have had a busy week! As the weather is (hopefully) starting to warm up, please ensure that you apply suncream to your child before coming to school. We spend a lot of the day outside and although the temperature may not be high, the UV still can be. Therefore there is a risk of being sunburnt. Please bring in a named hat for your child to wear outside. Children still need to bring a coat, even on sunny days as the wind can still be chilly.

Forest school



Hazel Class had a lovely visit to forest school on Monday. We found lots of minibeasts and discussed where we can find them and where they like to live. We also visited the school pond looking for the tadpoles and frogs. The frogs were hiding well, but we did do some pond dipping and found some dragonfly larvae, which was very exciting!


Here are some phonics videos for you to watch at home this weekend.

Please note these videos will expire after 3 weeks.


This week in maths, we have been building numbers to 10. We have explored addition and subtraction using numbers up to 10.

Wider Curriculum

In Topic we have had fun inventing our own animals! We ‘cut’ the animals in half and put two different ends together. Have a guess at what animals we used to make a ‘cheetza’ ‘pango’ and ‘gorrard’!

In English we talked about different ways we can describe fruits using all of our senses. We used adjectives such as crunchy, round, spiky and sour. We enjoyed researching about different safari animals and finding out facts about them, creating a mini fact file.

In PE we have started to practise for sports day. You should have received a letter this week about the plan and timings for this at the end of the term.


Our new Makaton sign this week was share’. See if you can use it at home this weekend.



Monday is bank holiday, so school will be shut. We will see you all on Tuesday. Have a lovely (hopefully sunny!) bank holiday weekend.

Week 2

Week beginning 22.4.24

We have had another lovely week at school despite the rainy weather! We have been busy getting to grips with our new topic and we have been doing lots of amazing writing in class based on the story ‘Snail Trail’.


On Monday, Early Years started 'clubs'. Each child has chosen the club that they are doing and all had a fab time. They will stay in the same club until half term and then all given a new set of clubs to choose from.


We have started to learn Sound Set 2 as a class this week. Here are some phonics videos for you to watch at home this weekend. Your child will also be bringing home a sheet each week with the new sound that has been taught. Please find some time to go through this with your child at home. We don't need to have the sheets handed back in.

Please note these videos will expire after 3 weeks.


This week in maths, we've continuing to learn about numbers beyond 10. We have been using different kinds of equipment to represent numbers 11-20 including multilink cubes and Rekenreks. We have been able to count beyond 20 and have been able to use what we know about groups of ten to help us count large numbers of sea creatures for example I can see 2 whole tens and 5 more, so the total number of sea creatures must be 25.

Wider Curriculum

In Topic we have been learning about different types of animals including mammals, birds and reptiles. We explored what kinds of features these animals have such as fur, beaks or scaly skin, and used this knowledge to sort different animals into these categories. We have also begun to learn about the diets of different animals and found out about herbivores and carnivores and omnivores.

In English we continued to investigate our story ‘Handa’s surprise’. We wrote sentences to explain what we would surprise our friends with thinking carefully about their particular likes and interests. We also made predictions about what will happen next as well as explore the feelings of the main characters.

In PE we moved to the music of ‘The carnival of the animals’ by Camile Saint-Saens and then created an animal parade by moving in the style of different animals.


Our new Makaton sign this week was tidy’. See if you can use it at home this weekend.



Have a lovely weekend!

Week 1

Week beginning 15.4.24

We have had a very busy first week back in Reception! The children have settled back in their routines well and have enjoyed exploring outside. 

Forest school

This week, Cherry class went to the pond, we looked for frogs, frogspawn, froglets and tadpoles. We discussed the life cycle of a frog and spoke about the changes that have happened since our last visit. We also went on a scavenger hunt for minibeast and leaves using magnifying glasses.


Here are some phonics videos for you to watch at home this weekend.

Please note these videos will expire after 3 weeks.


This week in maths we been building numbers beyond 10. We looked at how numbers can be represented in different ways and represented numbers on Rekenreks and bead strings.

Wider Curriculum

In Topic we spoke about different habitats and identified which animals live where. We also went on a school safari to look for animals in the environment. We looked at different animal patterns and compared the similarities and differences of different animals. We then made our own pattern by weaving.


In English we looked at our new story ‘Handa’s Surprise’, we looked at the front cover and described what we could see. We spoke about the fruit that Handa has in her basket and tried them!   


In PE we worked together as a team to collect and carry objects to make an obstacle course, we then took turns and helped each other to complete it. 


Our new Makaton sign this week was share’. See if you can use it at home this weekend.

Please can you make sure your child has spare school uniform in their bag. This could be in an additional bag which is left on their peg if you would prefer. We would also appreciate any donations of old uniform for our spare clothes, especially trousers, skirts and tights.

Have a lovely weekend!

Be Kind, Be Brilliant