DPA Parent Forum
Academy Parent Forums are designed for parents and carers to meet, share ideas, give feedback to the school and to enable them to contribute to school decision making. The Parent Forum helps develop a partnership between parents and school.
Regular, open communication and consultation is highly valued at Omnia Learning Trust Academies. Parent forums aim to represent the views of all parents and to be a voice to inform our school of the needs of children and families. They facilitate communication between parents/carers and staff and governors.
The forum is not a place to address specific concerns about an individual child or issues relating to individual members of staff. Parent/carers who need to discuss these issues should approach their class teacher or the Deputy/Head teacher, or follow the school’s complaints procedure as appropriate.
Main Aims
1. To support and promote children's learning.
2. To help the school find out what parents and carers think about important issues.
3. To involve parents and carers actively in school decisions.
4. To make plans that support the ways the school wants to develop and improve outcomes for our children.
The parent forum's membership is made up of parents and carers of children attending Omnia Learning Trust Academies – everyone is welcome. The forum is chaired by the Head or member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Parent forum meetings are held termly. The agenda is prepared in advance of the meeting and circulated to parents. A typical agenda includes:
· Items identified by the governing body and leadership team for discussion
· Items identified by parents and carers for discussion
Any questions or matters for discussion must be sent in advance of the forum to the school office/school office email address/through the website. Any questions or matters raised at the event may be deferred to the next Parent Forum. If no questions are submitted in advance and the school has no matters to discuss/consult, the Parent Forum meeting will not go ahead as planned that term.
Meeting dates
The school will publish the dates of the Parent Forums on the school website at the start of each academic year.
Minutes are taken and posted on the Academy website shortly after the forum events.