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Didcot Primary Academy home page


Primary Academy

Year 3 (Chestnut and Sycamore Class)

Year 3


Welcome to Year 3! In Year 3, your child will be developing many new skills, growing in independence and learning lots of new and exciting things. 


You child has many online learning platforms to enable them to further their learning at home. It is important that your child reads each day and this should be logged on BoomReader. Reading books will be changed weekly (days will be dependant on class). Your child also has a Sumdog and Times table Rockstars login to allow them to practice maths, spelling and times tables at home. If you are experiencing any issues with logging on to these sites, then please let one of the Year 3 team know. 


We will be having our PE lessons and on a Wednesday and Friday - please ensure your child is wearing their PE kits on those days. 


Below you will find our termly topic pages where you can find out more information about what we are learning as well as seeing what we have been getting up to!




Sycamore class

Class teacher: Miss Truscott

Learning support assistant: Miss Waligo and Miss Fiori


Chestnut class

Class teacher: Mrs Mason

Learning support assistants: Mrs Smith and Mrs Taylor



Example timetable

Be Kind, Be Brilliant