What do I need to do if I would like my child to start at DPA?
Please go to our admissions pages for details. Do also give the school a ring to arrange a visit or ask further questions. However, we do not currently have any spaces in any year groups.
Will my child need a uniform?
Yes, all children right from nursery will need a uniform. Please go to our uniform page for more details. We try to limit this to a few key items with a logo in order to keep the costs down.
Will your term dates be different from that of other schools?
The dates will generally be in line with other local Didcot schools.
When will the school be inspected?
The school was inspected in June 2019 and was judged to be 'outstanding' in every area. Please read the report.
How is an academy different?
The school receives funding direct from the DfE and this is the same budget as other schools. Academies can choose to have different term dates, different curriculum (we enrich ours with languages from Year 1) and length of school day. Our school day is slightly longer than other primary schools - we start at 8:40am and finish at 3:30pm. There are many primary schools in Didcot that are academies now: Manor, Ladygrove Park, Willowcroft and some that are due to convert. Our Trust supports the quality of the school through visits from the Director of Education.
How will we be kept informed about my child's progress?
There are two formal parent meetings a year, called learning reviews, with a third that can be arranged following the formal annual report at the end of the year. Schools are only obliged to prepare one annual report a year, however, we provide parents with 3 reports: a settling in report, a mid year report ( academic summary) and end of year report. You are also welcome to come into school to look at their work following a class assembly where your child will be delighted to talk you through their work.
How are clubs organised? Are they for all year groups?
We run a range of different clubs each term, some that are organised by school staff and some that are organised through outside providers. Some clubs incur a small cost. Afters school clubs tend to be for children for Year 1 upwards (dependent on each club) subject to the content of the club. There are very few, if any, clubs for Reception as their day is a fairly long one. Please note that school clubs are not a substitute for childcare as we cannot guarantee that they will run weekly due to absence/ meetings etc. There is a childcare provider on site till 6pm if you require this facility.
We do run clubs on a Friday from 2:40pm until 3:20pm this gives every child a chance to develop skills and talents.
How am I kept informed of dates and events?
The newsletter is sent out fortnightly. We have a school App and a well maintained website that will keep you informed of dates and school events.