After School Club - Get Active
Get Active After School Club
Our after school club provision is provided by Get Active.
Get Active have a proven track record of providing high quality extended hours care at our school and they run holiday camps at the school throughout the year.
Bookings can be made via their website
They operate a banded pricing structure which is determined by length of stay:
- 3.30pm to 4.30pm - £8.45 with small snack
- 4.30pm to 6pm - £9.00 with main snack
- 3.30pm to 6pm - £14.80 with small and main snack
Please note there is a £2 admin fee for any booking made after 12pm on the day of the club
Please note that Get Active is a separate company, not run by school staff.
IMPORTANT: When booking your child into Get Active after school club or holiday camp, please make sure that you inform them of your child's dietary requirements/allergies and medical conditions where medication might be needed (e.g. EpiPen or inhaler).