School Clubs
School Clubs
You will usually receive information about the clubs on offer at the end of the half term prior to the holiday so that places can be organised ready for clubs to start promptly. However, at the beginning of the school year, you will receive information in September with clubs starting a couple of weeks into the new school year.
There will be a variety of clubs on offer run by school staff and external providers. There are some clubs that incur a charge in order to cover running costs.
Some clubs have a limit on numbers and so will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, with a reserve list so that if the club is repeated, these children will be allocated first should they still want to participate.
There are usually a range of different clubs - craft, cookery, choir and sports which are aimed at specific age groups.
- Attendance at school clubs is not the same as childcare - whilst we will try to run the clubs for the weeks advertised, sometimes this is not possible due to meetings or illness. Clubs are unlikely to be covered by other members of staff. If you need reliable childcare, please book through Get Active as part of our wrap around service.
- Siblings are not able to remain in school if they have a sibling in a club that they are not part of. Please arrange to pick them up as usual.
- Excellent behaviour is expected at the club - the same as in school.
- Children can not pick and choose when they want to attend the club - they need to commit to the length of time or decide to leave so that another child can join.
- Please make sure you pick up your child on time from the club.
- We will let you know if your child is not enjoying the club.