At Didcot Primary Academy, mathematics is recognised as a key life skill. We firmly believe that embedding the core skills mathematics alongside providing the practical activities, which enable pupils to apply their skills, provides the firm foundations for developing mathematical understanding and confidence in the subject.
The teaching of mathematics is given a high priority as it teachers pupils to make sense of the world through developing their ability to see patterns, to calculate and to reason and tackle mathematical challenges. We use the evidence based 'Teaching for Mastery' approach which is encouraged by the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics) and the DfE.
Teachers plan for their year group using White Rose small steps, designed to ensure progression in mathematical concepts. Teaching is blocked to allow pupils to gain a deeper understanding and to make connections between mathematical ideas.
Lessons are planned sequentially, each lesson building on the previous. They include visual models to represent mathematical concepts, as well as practical resources. Pupils are encouraged to talk about and explain their reasoning as part of lessons to solve problems using their newly acquired knowledge.
Guidance from White Rose is at the bottom of this page.
Teachers provide feedback to pupils during lessons and through marking their books. Pupils are expected to respond to marking where necessary, which develops the dialogue between the pupil and the teacher.
We believe in the importance of 'keep up, not catch up'. Children who find new concepts challenging are given the opportunity for rapid intervention through 'mop up' sessions; these are designed to address misconceptions prior to the next maths lesson to ensure that gaps in children's understanding does not widen.
Parent Support
Children will be asked to use online learning platforms (SumDog and Times Table Rockstars) to consolidate their learning. Class pages on the website are updated termly to keep parents informed of the concepts that children are currently learning.
Workshops run in school so that parents can meet and discuss new concepts and teaching methods, enabling the schools and parents to work together to support the learning of mathematics.
Parent Guides
Maths in Action!

Calculation Policies and Progression Document
At DPA, following our maths curriculum, we have seen children who are fluent mathematicians who are able to confidently reason about their mathematical understanding, using appropriate vocabulary and representations. Our mathematicians are able to apply their understanding to solve problems. These skills, alongside our Jigsaw PSHE programme, help to prepare children for further mathematics as well as maths in a real-life context.
Updated July 24