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Term 5 & 6 - Maafa

Week 6 - W/C 20th May


We started a new unit called 'White Rose Bakery'. These are themed units that use a range of math skills in real life contexts. This week, we investigated how to find the best value for ingredients, learnt about profit and loss and used our knowledge of 3D shapes to create nets for packaging. 



In English we have moved onto focussing on dialogue. The children have been looking at how dialogue can be used effectively in their writing to move their work along. We have been looking at how to punctuate this correctly and have had a go at using it in different contexts.


Wider curriculum

We have continued looking at the historical slave triangle and the horrific conditions the enslaved were subjected to. We also learnt about conditions on the plantations and how this created a new Caribbean culture. In Art, we utilised carbon and tracing paper to copy the outline of their chosen 'trailblazer' artwork, before utilising their chosen media (pastels / charcoal / sketching pencils) to add their own style. We have also completed our auditions for our end of year play. Scripts will be sent home over half-term for the children to practice their lines.

Week 5 - W/C 13th May


This week has seen the children rise magnificently to the challenge of SATs. Each morning, they have impressed us with their relaxed, confident manner. They have taken the tests in their stride, diligently showing off all they've learnt in their time at DPA. We couldn't be more proud of the Year 6 cohort and hope that, although this week has been hard, they can reflect on what they've achieved. 

After the last assessment had finished, the children were finally given their hoodies. These can now be worn as part of the school uniform, showing that the year group is readying itself for the transition to Year 7. 


Week 4 - W/C 6th May


In maths we have been continuing to recap some of our topics from the year that we have found more challenging. We have focussed on Area & Perimeter, Volume, Mass & Capacity, Translation, Symmetry and Co-ordinates, completing many arithmetic and reasoning / problem solving questions around each topic.



In English we have continued with our grammar focus. We have had a go at putting all our knowledge to the test by looking at different Grammar questions. We have also continued to read our guided reading book of Pig Heart Boy.


Wider Curriculum

In our wider curriculum lessons this week, we have continued to practice each event ready for sport day. We have also been finding out lots about the triangular slave trade. We were all surprised to learn how much wealth was generated for European countries and how long the legacy of slavery continues to affect society.

Week 3 - W/C 29th April


In English we have continued with our grammar focus. We have had a go at putting all of our knowledge to the test by looking at different Grammar questions. We have also continued to read our guided reading book of Pig Heart Boy, looking deeper into the text using our inference skills.



In maths we have been recapping some of our topics from the year that we have found more challenging. We have focussed on ration, percentages and fractions and completed many arithmetic and reasoning / problem solving questions around each topic.



In our topic lessons this week we have focussed on our art topic. We have been researching different artists and interpreting the pictures that they have created. We have also been looking at the triangular slave trade in our topic of Maafa. We have been exploring the reasons behind the slave trade started, the different stages of it and the journeys that were completed.

Week 2 - W/C 22nd April




In English lessons this week, Year 6 have been recapping the use of figurative language and use of the senses to aid description. Literary techniques such as similes, metaphors and personification really help our writing have a big impact on the reader. We will use these to write first person narratives based on memorable experiences that have evoked either feelings of fear or excitement or both!



There have been many topics covered in maths this week. We have made sure that our long division and long multiplication methods are up to scratch and have also recapped our knowledge on decimals and percentages. We have also made sure that we keep practising arithmetic skills as well as reasoning.




We have continued to learn about Africa and the origins of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. We were all surprised to learn how much wealth was generated for European countries and how long the legacy of slavery continues to affect society. We have also begun to explore significant artists and artworks from the era who have worked with varied media. We have researched what inspired them and the meaning behind their work.

Week 1 - W/C 15th April



This week we have started our new topic of Maafa. Maafa is a Swahili word for great tragedy and is the term used to refer to the Transatlantic Slave Trade. In our first few lessons we have been looking at the different countries that make up the African continent. The children were then given the task to research one country each and produce a fact file and present it to the class.




Our English lessons have been focused on Grammar revision. We have been looking at different topics daily and the children have been showing their understanding through their writing in their books, as well as the use of our new online learning platform of Sats Bootcamp.



Our new maths topic is based around shape. We have been focussing this week on calculating different angles in shapes and using the knowledge that we have to work out the missing angles. We have also been making sure we incorporate arithmetic practice every day in the build up to SATs.

Raffle proceeds


After the successful Rainbow Raffle and chocolate fundraisers, the house captains split the proceeds between the Outbound Trust charity and Helen and Douglas House hospice. The remainder went to purchase this fantastic Monkey Puzzle tree as a lasting legacy of the current Year 6.

Be Kind, Be Brilliant